Maya Anandan - May 2020
Hello! My name is Maya Anandan and I attend the American Embassy School. I am fourteen years old and live in New Delhi. Thankfully, My family and I are doing great and are staying healthy.
The biggest conflict I've faced so far in terms of COVID-19 is how difficult it is to ration food! Rationing food is something I've never had to worry about in the past, but living through a global pandemic has helped me understand just how important and challenging it is to do so.
I am currently in isolation and have been completing school work through Continuous Learning at home since late March. Fortunately, I do not personally know anyone who has been or is currently infected by the virus. The first word that comes to mind when I hear someone say "Coronavirus" is Isolation.
When I look outside my window I see my garden filled with overgrown grass, the main road with very little traffic, and a few civilians walking past our house. I have left my home multiple times to visit my grandparents who live across the street from us. We wear masks at all times, sit at least 5 meters apart from one another, and bring our own water bottles and cutlery so that nothing gets contaminated.
During my free time, I have been reading, studying, and taking up projects such as this website which I've created! I have also been catching up with friends through various social media platforms and helping around the house.
Once the current situation in India improves, I look forward to seeing my friends, going to the grocery store, and eating at restaurants. I miss my friends and teachers, as well as traveling!
I think that the Indian Government started off by doing a great job of containing the virus since we went into lockdown quite early in terms of the state that we're in. Although it is necessary for the economy to open up, it is quite dangerous for it to happen so soon. Regardless, I am very grateful that my family and I are safe, and as long as others living in India abide by the regulations and rules our government along with the rest of the world so greatly encourages, I feel that we will have a better chance of flattening the curve.