Abelardo Juarez Garcia - April 30, 2020
“I am 12 years old and I live in Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico. My family and I are doing fine. The biggest conflict I've faced in terms of COVID-19 so far is that I can't go outside. We have been in quarantine since mid-March. When I look outside your window I see my garden and my neighbors house. I have only left my house to go To the ranch. I noticed Fewer cars in the streets.
In your free time, I’ve been doing exercises on the trampoline and playing chess. One thing I look forward to once all of this has passed is Seeing my friends because I miss them. I don't think my government has done a good job of containing the virus because people are still outside. The first word that comes to mind when I hear someone say, "Coronavirus" is “Home”.”
Ana Paula - April 29, 2020
“I am sixteen years old. My family and I are doing fine! My whole family is in good health. Well, I haven’t been through a lot of conflicts compared to other people but I think that my biggest “conflict” is quarantine cause I’m not used to being locked up in my house and not being able to go to school physically. I've been in quarantine since March 16th.
When I look outside my window I see More houses because I live in a suburb. I have left your house for stuff in the supermarket. I notice that there were almost no cars and I notice a lot of preventive measures in the shop store. During my free time, I've been doing Online school, exercising, and watching movies. One thing I look forward to once all of this has passed is Spending time with all my family and seeing all my friends. I miss seeing my family whenever I want and seeing my friends.
I don't think my government has done a good job of containing the virus because I think that my president didn’t know how to handle the epidemic in my country and we could have prepared much better for this situation. My government handles the situation in a very irresponsible way. The first word that comes to mind when I hear someone say, "Coronavirus" is sickness."
Sebastian Perez Maya - April 29, 2020
“I'm from Mexico. I live in Ojo de Agua, close to Mexico City. I am 14 years old and my family and I are doing fine. The biggest conflicts I've faced in terms of COVID-19 so far are home school and homework. I have been on lockdown with my mother, father, dog, and cat since March 25th.
When I look outside my window I see a ghost-private street. All I see is loneliness. I have left my house twice to a schoolmate's house. I've noticed no traffic, everything is closed, a few people, some of them with masks on their faces or as a necklace.
In my free time, I've been watching movies, playing video games, listening to music, and playing with my new cat. I look forward to going to a restaurant to eat enchiladas (a traditional Mexican dish) and to see my friends. I think that our government should have a better organization and distribution of medical services.”
Sara María Parada - May 1, 2020
“I am 16 years old. To be honest, My family and I are doing great, we are getting to know each other better. The biggest conflicts that I have faced have been with myself. I have experienced sadness because I miss my friends, going to school and dance classes. I have also felt a lack of motivation because it seems as if everything is paused.
I have been in isolation since March 16th. When I look outside my window I see the street and my neighbors‘ houses. I've noticed that Everything is about the same, the only differences are that there are fewer people around the streets and some of them wear facemasks.
In my free time I have been using this time to get to know myself better and my family. I have been exercising, stretching, reading, and cooking when I am not taking online classes. I look forward to seeing my friends and hugging them.
I miss having coffee with my closest friends and having long talks. I also look forward to going back to dance lessons and school. I miss the routine of going to school and laughing with my friends as well as getting inspired by my teachers. I miss taking dance lessons with the team. But mostly I miss the feeling of having a goal.
The measures that the government has taken are leading us to an economic crash. Some businesses from my local community are on the edge of closing because the money is not circulating. The government has done a great job introducing fear into everybody’s life instead of coming up with solutions.
Besides, the government is not being honest about the information they give to the community. The first word that comes to mind when I hear “Coronavirus” is Politics.”
Ania Maurer Lichtle - June 2, 2020
"My name is Ania Maurer Lichtle and I am 14 years old. My family is very good but exhausted from being in our house. The biggest conflict I faced was when we were on a ski trip in Colorado before COVID-19 started hitting America and when it started hitting I was in Colorado which was one of the places most affected so we went to our San Antonio’s house to see if we did or did not get the virus but while we were there trump closed the borders and we aren’t able to go back to Mexico.
We have been in isolation since March 12th. I know that my friend’s grandma and grandpa got infected by the virus. Here at San Antonio, there are still people going out like taking a walk or to the grocery store. I've only left my house once to go to the grocery store with my mom and various others to go and take a walk. I noticed that people here are not so worried although they are taking precautions, I feel like they are very calmed.
In my free time, I watch Netflix or do exercises or play something with my family or do some homework. when everything of this passes I want to stay this close with my family. I miss my friends, school, and parties.
I think my government has and hasn't done a good job of containing the virus. yes because they are putting their best effort to help people and trying to find a vaccine to end all of this, but no because I think they could start making people quarantine before the virus spread this huge. The first word that comes to mind when I hear someone say, "Coronavirus" is toilet paper haha!"